Wednesday, 20 September 2023

4.2.o.Rhp831.PreRelease (20-SEP-2023)

Improved richness in remote requirement/DOORS NG workflows.

Now available on github. Don't forget to rename top-level folder SysMLHelper without the version number before moving into Profiles folder. Also ensure that previous profile is not just renamed but removed from Share/Profiles completely (as Rhapsody will open first filename it finds rather than the explicit path to .sbsx).

V4.2.o.Rhp831.PreRelease (20-SEP-2023):

0699 21-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: First implementation of double-click to open related remote requirement in browser (F.J.Chadburn)

0700 21-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Extend open browser for remote requirements on double-click to work with dependency relations as well (F.J.Chadburn)

0701 25-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Requirement packages to own Requirement packages (F.J.Chadburn)

0702 27-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Switch CSV export to make use of same Remote Requirement Assessment class as the update and establish trace helpers use (F.J.Chadburn)

0703 27-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Export parent binding number in CSV based on OSLC trace relation by owning package or traced function/feature block (F.J.Chadburn)

0704 28-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Default to create the req'ts package stereotype in the create use case package and context package menus as it's the most common/valuable choice (F.J.Chadburn)

0705 28-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Polished properties for default name of Requirement Diagram - System to 'req - ' rather than 'rd - ' to align with SysML abbreviations (F.J.Chadburn)

0706 30-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: First implementation of right-click of feature function package to export requirements and function blocks to csv (F.J.Chadburn)

0707 30-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Reduce 'Synchronise remote links based on presence on diagram' menu so only available on model and diagrams, to avoid overloading users (F.J.Chadburn)

0708 31-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Fix issue with Table View - Requirement to Use Case not appearing in right-click menu for requirements packages (F.J.Chadburn)

0709 31-AUG-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added better default column widths for Requirement to Action/Action to Requirement/Requirement to Use Case/Use Case to Requirement tables (F.J.Chadburn) 

0710 01-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Fix csv export so that function blocks exported as isHeading artifacts have Heading as their Artifact type (F.J.Chadburn)

0711 18-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added update of requirement owner names to the 'Update surrogates based on remote..' dialog (F.J.Chadburn)

0712 18-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added requirement owners to the remote requirements to establish trace to report for the 'Update surrogates based on remote..' dialog (F.J.Chadburn)

0713 18-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added requirement owners to the 'Establish trace relations...' menu command top allow function blocks to act as headings in DOORS Next (F.J.Chadburn)

0714 18-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Remove warning generated when assessing requirement ownership because requirement package has multiple trace links (F.J.Chadburn)

0715 19-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added model check to warn if the name of requirement exceeds characters visible for remote artifact if roundtripped from DOORS Next (F.J.Chadburn)

0716 19-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added warning to the export to csv, if name of requirement exceeds characters visible for remote artifact if roundtripped from DOORS Next (F.J.Chadburn)

0717 19-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added info tab to 'Update surrogates based on remote...' dialog to provide list of requirements where need exceeds characters visible for remote reqt (F.J.Chadburn)

0718 20-SEP-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Attempt to fix inconsistent reporting of differences between DNG reqt and Rhapsody reqt, possibly related to carriage returns, by trimming string (F.J.Chadburn) 

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