Wednesday, 26 July 2023

4.2.k.Rhp831.PreRelease (26-JUL-2023)

Fairly big step forward wrt using a surrogate requirement approach with remote requirements in DOORS NG by added a new "Update surrogates..." dialog in the MBSE Method: Requirements Analysis menus. Also some general requirements analysis using use cases incremental improvements. Now available on github. Don't forget to rename top-level folder SysMLHelper without the version number before moving into Profiles folder. Also ensure that previous profile is not just renamed but removed from Share/Profiles completely (as Rhapsody will open first filename it finds rather than the explicit path to .sbsx).

V4.2.k.Rhp831.PreRelease (26-JUL-2023):

0661 18-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added out-of-the-box 'Surrogate Remote Requirement Traceability Report Table' to requirements package right-click to assist DNG workflows (F.J.Chadburn)

0662 18-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Usability: Override double-click on view to ask user if they want to open table view or matrix view rather than features dialog (F.J.Chadburn)

0663 18-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Updated create use case package panel to use _RequirementPkg/_UseCasePkg post-fix naming conventions determined through new properties (F.J.Chadburn)

0664 18-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added some validity checking to the use case package panel to avoid issues where packages with same name already exist (F.J.Chadburn)

0665 19-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Get listener to scope 'Table View - Surrogate Remote Requirement Traceability Report' to owning requirements package new first added (F.J.Chadburn)

0666 19-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: First implementation if 'Update surrogates based on remote requirement changes' panel to deal with new DOORS NG workflows (F.J.Chadburn)

0667 19-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Refined 'Update surrogates based on remote requirement changes' panel so you can right-click multi-select specific requirements (F.J.Chadburn)

0668 19-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Get listener to automatically apply the move to stereotype when a requirement is directly created in an applicable requirement package (F.J.Chadburn)

0669 21-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Checkpoint of further refinement of the 'Update surrogates based on remote reqts..." panel with tabs which include requirements to add from remote (F.J.Chadburn)

0670 24-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Enhanced 'Update surrogates..." dialog to automatically detect and establish links if requirements found with matching specification text (F.J.Chadburn)

0671 24-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added new CSVExportIncludeColumnsForLinkedAnnotations property (default = False) to minimise unexpected DNG overwrite of Rationales (F.J.Chadburn)

0672 26-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Add unloaded links check to 'Update surrogates...' dialog to inform user if package has unloaded links even if req'ts don't (F.J.Chadburn)

0673 26-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Improvements from robustness testing, e.g. get 'Update surrogates...' panel to create requirements without trace relations - due to Rhp crashing (F.J.Chadburn)

0674 26-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Get 'Establish trace relations...' to check for IDs as part of matching and only look at specification text if no ID matches found (F.J.Chadburn)

Monday, 17 July 2023

4.2.j.Rhp831.PreRelease (17-JUL-2023)

Incremental improvements from working more closely with workflows that include remote requirements in DOORS NG. Now available on github. Don't forget to rename top-level folder SysMLHelper without the version number before moving into Profiles folder. Also ensure that previous profile is not just renamed but removed from Share/Profiles completely (as Rhapsody will open first filename it finds rather than the explicit path to .sbsx).

V4.2.j.Rhp831.PreRelease (17-JUL-2023):

#653 30-JUN-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Checkpoint of auto-applying naming convention to new packages, commented out as worked with 8.3.1 not 9.0.1 (F.J.Chadburn)

#654 30-JUN-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Extend the Create new requirement menu to work for right-click of use cases (F.J.Chadburn)

#655 30-JUN-2023: ExecutableMBSE: 7.0.2 SR1 DOORS NG wants .xslx/.csv import files to have isHeading and parentBinding columns, hence added to csv exporter (F.J.Chadburn)

0656 03-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Add new Clean Up Dead OSLC Links panel menu option with double-click to find element in browser (F.J.Chadburn)

0657 17-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added plugin_method:getUntracedToRemoteRequirement for context patterns when using the surrogate DNG link approach (F.J.Chadburn)

0658 17-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added plugin_method:getMatchingRemoteRequirements for context patterns when using the surrogate DNG link approach (F.J.Chadburn)

0659 17-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added plugin_method:getNonMatchingRemoteRequirements for context patterns when using the surrogate DNG link approach (F.J.Chadburn)

0660 17-JUL-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Added plugin_method:getTracesToUnloadedRemoteRequirements for context patterns when using the surrogate DNG link approach (F.J.Chadburn)