Monday, 27 June 2022

Pre-release V4.0.w, 27-JUN-2022: Step up in terms of usability and automation

Pre-release V4.0.w, 27-JUN-2022: Further step up in terms of usability and automation. This is on Github here.

V4.0.w.Rhp831.PreRelease (27-JUN-2022):

#511 14-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Initial setting of numbered category names of package and diagram new terms to improve usability (F.J.Chadburn)

#512 14-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Ensure that Use Case package dialog works with updated package new term names (F.J.Chadburn)

#513 14-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Automatically add owner to diagram when creating a new block definition diagram - system under a classifier (F.J.Chadburn)

#514 14-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Change default properties to not auto-populate the package diagram (F.J.Chadburn)

#515 15-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Change default starting name for use case diagram from ucd to uc to align with sysml ones (F.J.Chadburn)

#516 15-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added Simple Requirements Table to right-click for requirement packages with listener that automatically constrains scope (F.J.Chadburn)

#517 15-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get listener for Simple Requirements Table to autoset name if it's in a requirements package (F.J.Chadburn)

#518 15-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Drop the system from the context diagram name, to make less verbose and more flexible since could be used for subsystems (F.J.Chadburn) 

#519 15-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Update hep file to align with change to shorter package names so that menus appear as before (F.J.Chadburn)

#520 15-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Enable context diagram modeler to pick an existing system usage or system block similar to how actor usages work (F.J.Chadburn)

#521 16-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add activity diagram action to requirement and requirement to action tables to the add new menus to assist traceability analysis (F.J.Chadburn)

#522 17-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get listener to automatically name 'working copy' packages based on an owning feature or function package (F.J.Chadburn)

#523 22-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add a Create a Function Block right-click menu to automate workflow from requirement or action (F.J.Chadburn)

#524 22-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get listener for Requirement Diagram - System to auto-populate the owning element to speed things up (F.J.Chadburn) 

#525 23-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get listener to autoname bdd and ibd diagrams with owning classifier name to speed things up (F.J.Chadburn)

Pre-release V4.0.v, 07-JUN-2022: More method/process automation

Pre-release V4.0.v, 07-JUN-2022: Method/process automation refinement from general usage and testing.

V4.0.v.Rhp831.PreRelease (07-JUN-2022):

#500 18-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow a Function Block to have a Textual Activity Diagram (F.J.Chadburn)

#501 18-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Stop Function Block from owning a Function Block (F.J.Chadburn)

#502 18-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add Derivations as a default compartment for Function Blocks in the prp file (F.J.Chadburn)

#503 23-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Feature Function package needs to own a Textual Activity also (F.J.Chadburn)

#504 03-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow a requirement package to be owned by a feature function package (F.J.Chadburn)

#505 06-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow a timing diagram - functional to be a child of a feature function package (F.J.Chadburn)

#506 06-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Tweak timing diagram default dsiplay options so that only specification is shown for requirements (F.J.Chadburn)

#507 07-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Extend the Requirements Analysis > Create Nested Activity... to include function blocks and packages (F.J.Chadburn)

#508 07-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add new IsKeepRequirementUnderFunctionBlock functionality to support creating requirements under function blocks (F.J.Chadburn)

#509 07-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Auto-populate ownership relation from function block when you add requirement to rd for a function block (F.J.Chadburn)

#510 07-JUN-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get End Link to ask if a Satisfaction or Derivation for Function Blocks (F.J.Chadburn)

Pre-release V4.0.u, 18-MAY-2022: More method/process automation

Pre-release V4.0.u, 18-MAY-2022: More method/process automation enhancements from usage and testing.

V4.0.u.Rhp831.PreRelease (18-MAY-2022):

#490 03-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get copy AD to work if activity diagrams are are hyperlinked from use case rather than owned, e.g., in separate package (F.J.Chadburn)

#491 06-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Housekeeping of icons in IconPkg so that all are controlled files and named consistent to metaclass (F.J.Chadburn)

#492 06-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add ability to right-click a use case and move to new package (F.J.Chadburn)

#493 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Subsystem and System Blocks to own Satisfaction relations (F.J.Chadburn)

#494 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Feature Function Packages to own other Feature Function packages (F.J.Chadburn)

#495 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Ensure select in browser for classifiers helper misses out on decision usages etc (F.J.Chadburn)

#496 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get select in browser for classifiers hlper to work when you right-click an ibd or bdd (F.J.Chadburn)

#497 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Ensure populate parts helper misses out on decision usages etc (F.J.Chadburn)

#498 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Cleaned up non-specific group icons to make browser less glitsy and remove confusion with elements (F.J.Chadburn)

#499 17-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add Derivations to a Feature Block right-click to allow derive relations to higher-level reqts/constraints (F.J.Chadburn)

Pre-release V4.0.t, 03-MAY-2022: More method/process automation

Pre-release V4.0.t, 03-MAY-2022: More method/process automation, particularly around function flow diagramming.

V4.0.t.Rhp831.PreRelease (03-MAY-2022):

#480 08-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow function blocks to own parallel gateway and decision usage parts (F.J.Chadburn)

#481 08-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Change default ReferenceUnitPath setup by script on project to Relative (F.J.Chadburn)

#482 11-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Initial implementation of Start Usage, Final Usage, and Flow Final Usage to the drawing toolbar for IBD - Functional (F.J.Chadburn)

#483 11-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Renamed Parallel Gateway to Parallel Gateway Usage to increase consistency of type names for IBD - Functional toolbar (F.J.Chadburn)

#484 13-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added time event usage tool to the drawing toolbar for ibd - functional using label for time condition (F.J.Chadburn)

#485 14-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Populate parts helper needs to allow for child to be unticked with parent still ticked (F.J.Chadburn)

#486 14-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add right-click to select classifiers of parts owned by a block to ease BDD drawing (F.J.Chadburn)

#487 14-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add the TableL - Use case feature function satisfactions context pattern layout for viewing requirements (F.J.Chadburn)

#488 02-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added CSVExportSeparator property to ease import into MS Excel to get requirements into DOORS NG without comma issues (F.J.Chadburn)

#489 03-MAY-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Constrain end link panel so bleed only occurs on activitydiagramge so it doesn't color requirements on statecharts/rds unexpectadly (F.J.Chadburn)

Pre-release V4.0.s, 08-APR-2022: More method/process automation

V4.0.s.Rhp831.PreRelease (08-APR-2022): More method/process automation, particularly around function block modeling.

#467 01-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow function blocks to be recursively decomposed into function usages to simplify and reuse of function chains (F.J.Chadburn)

#468 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add ability to select depends elements for subsystem blocks etc, as useful for selecting requirements & drawing RD (F.J.Chadburn)

#469 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Refinement on Feature Block compartment (F.J.Chadburn)

#470 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Refinement on right-click of Feature Block to mimmic relations of use cases (F.J.Chadburn)

#471 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Function Usage in a Subsystem Block compartment (F.J.Chadburn)

#472 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add a requirement diagram - system that has refinement in toolbar (F.J.Chadburn)

#473 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Refactored the ports for link connector creation code into separate class (F.J.Chadburn)

#474 05-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added a short name tag to subsystem blocks (F.J.Chadburn)

#475 06-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added OSLC Link fixer utility to the MBSE Other menu (F.J.Chadburn)

#476 06-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Compartments for domain, system and subsystem blocks to have appropriate defaults rather than Operation/Value Properties (F.J.Chadburn)

#477 08-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Changed default name properties for diagrams to align with naming conventions, e.g., bdd - albeit that Rhapsody imposes lowercase (F.J.Chadburn)

#478 08-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Right-click Function Block and choose start link to create traceability to requirement on a diagram (F.J.Chadburn)

#479 08-APR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow feature function package to own working copy use case package to enable a working activity diagram to be used in the process (F.J.Chadburn) 

Pre-release V4.0.r, 25-MAR-2022: More method/process automation

Pre-release V4.0.r, 25-MAR-2022: More method/process automation incl. feature/function block modeling:

V4.0.r.Rhp831.PreRelease (25-MAR-2022):

#453 14-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Fixes to get Type working when link connector drawing

#454 14-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add shorter default names with no spaces for all the new term package types to encourage similar and demo better (F.J.Chadburn)

#455 14-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow use of Actor Usage on the internal block diagram - functional toolbar (F.J.Chadburn)

#456 14-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Change display options for bdd - system so stereotype names are not shown for usage types when populating existing relations (F.J.Chadburn)

#457 17-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow use case packages to own textual activity diagrams so that it's possible to split off from use case for change control (F.J.Chadburn)

#458 18-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Fixed listener to get DecisionNode to resize to prp specified default size when element first added to diagram (F.J.Chadburn)

#459 24-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add a subsystem package type to support different packages for subsystem blocks and function blocks as model evolves (F.J.Chadburn)

#460 24-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Change property for default text from create new requirement to "The system shall " (F.J.Chadburn)

#461 25-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add a BPMN-like parallel gateway tool to the IBD - Functional diagram (F.J.Chadburn)

#462 25-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Change default display option for flow inputs/output names/types on IBD - Functional to 'None' (F.J.Chadburn)

#463 25-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get function block name text to wrap on IBD - Functional diagram to cope with longer function names better (F.J.Chadburn)

#464 25-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow a use case package to own a use case package so that activity diagram can be split into it if needed (F.J.Chadburn)

#465 25-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Extend Function Usage/Block properties so that compartment display options provided for both Satisfaction and Derivations (F.J.Chadburn)

#466 25-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add Derivation tool to bdd - system diagram so we can use to trace to higher-level requirements (F.J.Chadburn)