Tuesday, 31 December 2024

v4.3.h.Release (31-DEC-2024)

Checkpoint release with a few tweaks found while fleshing out a sample project. Now available on github.

Don't forget to rename top-level folder SysMLHelper without the version number before moving into Profiles folder. Also ensure that previous profile is not just renamed but removed from Share/Profiles completely (as Rhapsody will open first filename it finds rather than the explicit path to .sbsx).

0864 18-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Added right-click Reopen diagram menu on diagram to close and reopen to refresh it after logging into requirements remote package (F.J.Chadburn)

0865 18-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Added Context Diagram to hep file for Other\Center straight lines on diagram(s) as right-click menu found missing during profile use (F.J.Chadburn)

0866 28-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Signal packages to be children of other packages, esp. Functional Architecture ones where interfaces are first explored (F.J.Chadburn)

0867 30-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Tweak to allow tablev - Requirements and Diagrams Theyre On table to be applicable to any package (F.J.Chadburn)

0868 30-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Tweak to include requirement stereotype in tablev - Requirements and Diagrams Theyre On as useful for checking appropriateness (F.J.Chadburn)

0869 30-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Switch back to General Attributes > Stereotypes in table layouts to get stereotype list as plugin method found to be not working in 9.0.1+ (F.J.Chadburn)

0870 31-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Subsystem Table to be in the right-click of root C. Logical Architecture Package and D. Physical Architecture Packages (F.J.Chadburn)

0871 31-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Explicitly set the WrapNameCompartmentText property on Requirement Diagram - System as not set in 9.0.1 by default (F.J.Chadburn)

0872 31-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Fixed ExecutableMBSE.properties to change package to project to get BrowseHierarachy sub-menus to work (F.J.Chadburn)

0873 31-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Update profile date stamp (F.J.Chadburn)

Thursday, 5 December 2024

v4.3.g.Release (05-DEC-2024)

Checkpoint release, with a few tweaks found during test conductor usage. Now available on github.

Don't forget to rename top-level folder SysMLHelper without the version number before moving into Profiles folder. Also ensure that previous profile is not just renamed but removed from Share/Profiles completely (as Rhapsody will open first filename it finds rather than the explicit path to .sbsx).

0860 25-NOV-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Fix so that when you create requirements for a Function Block (Class) it uses the name of the function block for the text (F.J.Chadburn)

0861 25-NOV-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Fix exception when rolling up requirements to transition due to failure to call PolygonInfo constructor (F.J.Chadburn)

0862 02-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Enable traced element dialogs to work with multi-selection of just requirements in browser rather than graph elements on diagram (F.J.Chadburn)

0863 02-DEC-2024: ExecutableMBSE: Update hep file so you can right-click a test scenario to populate requirements, i.e. don’t have to switch to sequence diagram (F.J.Chadburn)