V4.0.q.Rhp831.PreRelease (10-MAR-2022). Really starting to get their with feature/function modeling. Again, this was a limited release and hence only to select customers, i.e. I did not push to Github:
#438 28-FEB-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Tweak to display options so that only Description field is shown by default for Feature Blocks (F.J.Chadburn)
#439 28-FEB-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added new Compartment option of Function Usages to Feature Blocks (F.J.Chadburn)
#440 01-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Rename Logical System Package to System Architecture Package as can be used for non-logical as well (F.J.Chadburn)
#441 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Added DecisionUsage and GuardedFlowPort concepts to support adding conditional logic to functional flow IBDs (F.J.Chadburn)
#442 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Get profile to set NamesRegEx to allow any spaces in order to better cope with guarded flow ports (F.J.Chadburn)
#443 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Function Blocks to own Satisfactions (F.J.Chadburn)
#444 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Function Blocks to have a compartment showing Satisfaction relations (F.J.Chadburn)
#445 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: External signal package renamed to more general purpose signals package for use with function block flows as well (F.J.Chadburn)
#446 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Feature Function packages to own Events as they are used to type flow inputs and outputs (F.J.Chadburn)
#447 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Function Blocks to own Requirements as they may group them (F.J.Chadburn)
#448 08-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow Feature Block to own an IBD - System for use when inheriting a System Block (F.J.Chadburn)
#449 09-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Fix issue with anchors getting deleted when you do the layout of straight lines (F.J.Chadburn)
#450 09-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Add function connector to wire subsystem proxy port to input/output port of a function block and add to ibd - system (F.J.Chadburn)
#451 09-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Allow function blocks to own allocations and add a tool to the bdd - system diagram for it (F.J.Chadburn)
#452 10-MAR-2022: ExecutableMBSE: Checkpoint of link connector reworking