Monday, 29 November 2021

Pre-release V4.0.m, further clean-up and tweaks including new requirement traceability browser and end link coloring

This release had further clean-up of menus and tweaks, as well as some additional enhancements such as a requirement traceability browser, and a tweak to colour requirement when using the end link wizard to establish satisfy dependencies.

This is the change log:
#401 18-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Initial fixes to get SysMLHelper plugin requirements parts to work with ExecutableMBSE_Context (F.J.Chadburn)
#402 18-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Checkpoint of CreateDerivedRequirementPanel changes to get it to compile/invoke with new thread safe mechanisms (F.J.Chadburn)
#403 18-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE/SysMLHelper: Added IsDoubleClickFunctionalityEnabled to enable double-click functionality to be turned off/on (F.J.Chadburn)
#404 20-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Add Browse Traceability menu to the Browse Hierarchy menu as per Rhapsody Tip #87 - Custom browsers (F.J.Chadburn)
#405 24-NOV-2021: SysMLHelper: Remove profile version check from the plugin start-up
#406 25-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Quickly create ports between actors and blocks by drawing link between them on an IBD (F.J.Chadburn)
#407 25-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Change BleedForegroundColor property back to red as the default for showing that actions have been worked on (F.J.Chadburn)
#408 26-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Clean redundant SysMLHelper commands from the hep file and rename General Utilities subcategory to Other (F.J.Chadburn)
#409 26-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Move the setup project properties into the MBSE Method: Other submenu structure to make menus cleaner (F.J.Chadburn)
#410 28-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Get attribute publishing wizard to move ch Event into the interfaces package to avoid issues with TC (F.J.Chadburn)
#411 28-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Get graph node for requirement to have bleed colour after ending a link (F.J.Chadburn)
#412 28-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Add warning message if you right-click SD to generate a sequence diagram and it has no child parts (F.J.Chadburn)
#413 28-NOV-2021: ExecutableMBSE: Only bleed to requirement graph node on end link if the type of relation is a satisfy (F.J.Chadburn)

I chose not push this release to Github though, rather keep it for select customers I'm working with while it gets developed.

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