Monday, 24 April 2023

4.2.h.Rhp831.PreRelease (24-APR-2023)

Incremental improvements from usage and exploration of new DOORS NG workflows now available on github. Don't forget to rename top-level folder SysMLHelper without the version number before moving into Profiles folder. Also ensure that previous profile is not just renamed but removed from Share/Profiles completely (as Rhapsody will open first filename it finds rather than the explicit path to .sbsx).

Enhancements mainly relate to incorporation of context diagram package menus into the use case package menu form to allow both to be done at same time and also some helpers to support a workflow with DOORS NG where Rhapsody remains the master but an OSLC link is established to the remote requirement.

V4.2.h.Rhp831.PreRelease (24-APR-2023):

#640 02-APR-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Automatically name statecharts when they are created, stm - <Block name>, as statechart_3 doesn't really help as a name (F.J.Chadburn)

#641 07-APR-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Add options to create context diagram package and signals package when creating the use case package structure (F.J.Chadburn)

#642 21-APR-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Add menu to automatically establish trace dependencies to remote requirements to facilitate surrogate approach to DNG reqts (F.J.Chadburn) 

#643 21-APR-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Add model check for requirements that have dependencies on DOORS NG requirements to warn if specification text differs (F.J.Chadburn)

#644 24-APR-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Get the csv export to include Identifier of requirement if an OSLC relation exists to remote version of it (F.J.Chadburn)

#645 24-APR-2023: ExecutableMBSE: Add additional helper info to remind users to open csv and save as Excel before importing into DOORS NG (F.J.Chadburn)

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