Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Welcome to Executable MBSE: This site provides guidance on releases for users of the open-source "SysML Helper" profile maintained by MBSE Training and Consulting Ltd. The goal of the helper is "to make Executable MBSE simple for users of IBM Rational Rhapsody".

The SysML Helper profile releases are downloadable from:

The profile is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Users are free to download, modify and re-distribute provided they comply with the conditions of this industry standard open-source license. I don't want to repeat the license here, hence please visit the GNU page linked if you want a definitive answer.

The profile consists of:
- A Rhapsody Profile that accelerates SysML model development by setting Rhapsody properties
- A Rhapsody Java plug-in that provide new method-specific menu commands to automate steps in a method for using SysML to perform complex systems engineering modelling (including menus to create and set-up a project from scratch).

The download from GitHub includes both of the above (including the Java source code).

The author is continually enhancing the profile and hence this website will be updated to provide information about releases, changes and enhancements. For example, the v2.0 profile works for Rhapsody 8.1.3. In v2.1.+ profile development has moved to 8.2 due to changes to how Query's work (although the 8.1.3 version is provided in a zip) and also to exploit some new API capabilities (e.g. ability to auto-wire the white box simulation is available in 8.1.5+).

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